Posted by Amirul Naim on

STONED & CO meticulously crafted this campaign with a foresighted approach a.k.a “Future-back Thinking”, aspiring to make an indelible mark in the fashion industry.

Our mission transcends a mere gaze into the future; it involves a profound understanding of nostalgic contexts. With this discernment, we ardently embrace every opportunity for groundbreaking innovation, serving as architects of emerging trends and cultural shifts.

The designs seamlessly blend elements from both retro and futuristic aesthetics, reflecting the duality of our vision. We aspire to transport you into a reimagined universe of STONED & CO that captivates the imagination of the youth, infused with vibrant colors.
The designs seamlessly blend elements from both retro and futuristic aesthetics, reflecting the duality of our vision. We aspire to transport you into a reimagined universe of STONED & CO that captivates the imagination of the youth, infused with vibrant colors.




