Posted by Asyraf Kamaruddin on

The Universe is the entirety of space and time. Ever-expanding like Stoned & Co., we welcome The Year of the Rabbit into this existence with our latest collection, Stoned Universe.

Designed with an upscale modern style, together with a traditional ‘Ong’ colour scheme that blends seamlessly with these festive times, this collection aims for unity of the Universe in a constant growing multicultural society. Bringing a basketball concept into this collection is to project on the evolution of fashion as well as the history of Stoned & Co.. Expanding what began from the street into an international phenomenon.

Stoned Universe consist of 23 items, ranging from Jerseys to Trucker Caps, each made with the highest quality material. The perfect collection to complete your Chinese New Year look.
The Stoned Universe Collection will be available on 12th January 2023.